
Das Pfarrhaus in Röcken, Foto: Uwe Lederer

"We homeless ones are too diverse and mixed in race and descent for "modern men," and are consequently little tempted to participate in the falsified racial self-admiration and lewdness which at present display themselves in Germany, as signs of German sentiment, and which strike one as doubly false and unbecoming in the people with the "historical sense." We are, in a word - and it shall be our word of honour! - good Europeans [...]"

"[W]e are not nearly "German" enough (in the sense in which the word "German" is current at present) to advocate nationalism and race-hatred, or take delight in the national heart-itch and blood-poisoning, on account of which the nations of Europe are at present bounded off and secluded from one another as if by quarantines."

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 377

Photo: Uwe Lederer

Opening Hours March - October 2024

Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays 13.00 - 17.00

You may also contact us (via e-mail) outside our normal opening hours. We will open the museum for you based on prior arrangements!


Sonnabend, 15.06.2024, Nietzsche und das Christentum. Eine philosophisch-biografische Wanderung zu Nietzsches Grab und Taufkirche in Röcken. Referent: Prof. Dr. Christoph Türcke (Mehr erfahren)

Bitte beachten Sie, unsere neue Publikation zur Dorfkirche in Röcken sowie weitere Publikationen mit Bezug zum Nietzsche Verein und Röcken:

Thomas Topfstedt: Die Röckener Dorfkirche. Baudenkmal und Nietzsche-Gedenkort. Leipzig: Edition Hamouda 2023.
Dominik Becher, Hg.: Brisantes Denken – Friedrich Nietzsche in Philosophie und Popkultur. Edition Hamouda 2019.
Geeske Janßen: You have finally reached the most important place on earth. Fotos und Texte aus Röcken. Nietzsche Verein Röcken 2022.
E. Schenkel/ F. Hamouda, Hg.: 101 Briefe an Friedrich Nietzsche zu seinem 175. Geburtstag. Edition Hamouda 2019.
Elmar Schenkel: Wahre Geschichten um Friedrich Nietzsche. Tauchaer Verlag 2023.


Friedrich-Nietzsche Gedenkstätte
Teichstraße 8
06686 Lützen, OT Röcken

Telephone: +49 34444 - 169705 (only during our opening hours)

Email: info[at]nietzsche-verein.de